Click the 1. Create Your Blog Now arrow on Blogger’s homepage.
Type in the e-mail address you would like to use for the classroom blog. You might create a new project-
2. specific address using a free e-mail service such as Gmail.
Select a password and retype it as indicated. Then type the text you see in the Word Verification box.
3.Read the Terms of Service and click on I accept.
4.Click the Continue arrow to advance to the Name your blog page.
Enter a title for your blog. (If your title has already been registered by another user, you will be prompted to enter an alternative title.)
5.Select a URL for the blog. Then type the text you see in the Word Verification box. 6.Click the Continue arrow to advance to the Choose a template page and select a basic design template for the blog.
7. Click on the Start Blogging arrow to get started.
8. Write a test post using the form. You can always delete it.Explore the options under the
9. Settings tab and make decisions about publishing, formatting, comments, and so on. If students will be allowed to comment on one another’s posts, in the settings for the Comments section be sure to select Show comments and Only members of this blog can comment.
It is recommended that you also make use of Comment moderation, which allows you to screen comments before they are published on the site.
10. Pay special attention to the Permissions section. Here you can add your students as blog authors. They will need to use their school-based e-mail address to gain access.
11. If you don’t have e-mail accounts at your school, you could have them use your Blogger login information, and then have them sign their names to their entries.
12. Using the Link List gadget found in Blogger’s page layout editing tools, add links to the Web resources for student use. Also add links to one or two student-created blogs you would like students to review (see Classroom Blogs and Wikis and Blogger in the Classroom for suggestions).
Add a basic site-visitor counter so you’ll be able to monitor traffic.
13. Under Edit Layout, click on Page Elements, then Add a Gadget, and search gadgets for Visitor Tracking. Alternatively, visit a site like Hit Counter (, and select a simple, free counter to add to the blog. Fill out the form and then select the Get Hit Counter button. Copy the code it generates. At Blogger under
14.Edit Layout, click on Page Elements, then Add a Gadget, and select HTML/JavaScript. Paste the copied code into the text box.
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